Beginning a presentation
- Brief jiko-shoukai and opening sentence.
Even a relatively informal presentation requires a proper self-introduction and a formulaic opening sentence stating the topic of the presentation or speech.
- Formal self-introduction.
みなさん、こんにちは。私は、<NAME> と もうします。
どうぞ よろしく おねがい します。
- Hello everybody. My name is ...
どうぞ よろしく おねがい します。
- This is a formulaic expression that doesn't exist in English. The purpose is to invite good will from the listener.
- Stating the topic of the presentation or speech.
きょうは <TOPIC> について おはなし したい と おもいます。
- Today, I would like to talk about ...
Signalling that you're coming to the end of your speech.
So that your talk doesn't end abruptly, it's important to signal to your listeners that you're nearly done. Here is a sentence starter:
では、さいご に . . .
Ending the presentation
- Closing remarks
Memorise these formulaic closing remarks.
Culturally appropriate body language
Once you've finished, congratulate yourself! You will have just given a speech in a foreign language!